With the arrival of autumn temperatures tend to fluctuate more during the day and suffer sudden falls a day to another. Changes in temperatures have an impact not only in the choice of clothes, but also health.
This time of year is essential to strengthen the care of the immune system, investing in actions to strengthen immunity and allow enjoy the cooler seasons healthily. check out:
A balanced diet protects the body from complications arising from changes in temperature. Give preference to the seasonal fruit, that carry essential vitamins and nutrients to that time and also act in the improvement of the skin and immunity.
Water helps cleanse the body and improve its functioning, promoting the elimination of toxins responsible for premature aging. Good hydration is also essential to improve immunity, especially with the drier climate.
It is ideal to increase the intake of fruits, and vegetables that contain water and always carry with them a bottle. Small sips time to time help maintain your daily hydration, even if not thirsty.
Opt for clothes and more closed shoes to avoid thermal shock and unwanted immune system responses, as allergies and infections.
Remember to wash or let in the sun periodically winter clothes, even if they have been used, avoiding trigger respiratory problems due to moisture and mildew accumulated while they were stored.
Avoid indoors and overcrowding. Prefer ventilated with air circulation, preventing the spread of viral diseases.
Minimize problems with thermal shock to dress warmly before contact with the cold air and also covering the mouth and nose when you leave a place muffled for an ice cream.
Physical exercises
Physical activity assists in maintaining the body and promotes a good defense of the immune system. Be sure to exercise in cooler days: go to the gym in warmer times of the day, do exercises with someone or change physical activity, but keep always in motion.
Source: Gazeta do Povo e My life.
Check also how to take care of your skin with climate change: bit.ly/2ThFhug.