Consumption of fruits of the season is more advantageous due to several factors, as the lowest price and the lowest concentration of pesticides, due to the increased use of crop. Besides that, They have a higher nutrient content, It is tastier, since weather conditions are favorable for the development of certain fruits in specific times of the year.
Check out what are the main autumn fruits:
Avocado: It has fibers, proteins, ferro, copper, potassium, magnesium, Vitamins C and E, omega 3, Monounsaturated fats and folic acid. brings satiety, It is good for the liver and cholesterol, and also improves the circulatory system and skin.
Banana: Contains high fiber and potassium. It is a strong antacid, good for digestion and the contraction of muscles, acts against heart disease and helps to balance the body.
Khaki: Displays fibers, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, calcium and iron. It is a powerful antioxidant, fighting the free radical damage, as premature aging and cancer.
Coco: It has high fiber content and minerals like potassium, sodium, phosphorus and chlorine. It is diuretic and stimulates intestinal activity.
Figo: It has a high magnesium content, potassium, calcium, iron and fibers. It assists in lowering cholesterol and the absorption of iron when consumed with other fruit sources of vitamin C.
Guava: It contains high water content, potassium, match, ferro, fibers, vitamins A, B1 e C, calcium. Features low calorie, little sugar and fats. fight infections, improves healing and skin appearance, preventing aging, as well as regulate and strengthen the body.
Kiwi: Rich in vitamins C and E, potassium and fibers. Helps control sugar and cholesterol in the blood.
Orange: It has vitamin C, calcium, match, iron and fibers. It has antioxidant properties, energises, improves immunity, reduces inflammation, cholesterol and cancer risk.
Lemon: It has vitamin C and minerals. It antioxidant, antiseptic and detoxifying. It also stimulates collagen production, leaving skin firmer, strengthens immunity and helps in healing.
Apple: It contains high water content, fibers, B vitamins, C and E, magnesium, potassium, ferro, match, niacin and quercetin (anti-inflammatory). Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, lowers cholesterol, It stimulates the functioning of the kidneys and liver, besides being astringent.
Passion fruit: very nutritious, It contains vitamins C and B complex, as well as minerals such as iron, calcium and phosphorus. It is a natural soothing and healing, increases the resistance of the blood vessels, strengthens hair wires, bones and teeth, and also acts against infections, skin problems, the digestive and nervous system.
Watermelon: It has a high water content, Complex B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and iron. It is diuretic, helps in hydration and cell production, formação de ossos e acelera o metabolismo.
Pera: Contém vitaminas A, C e do complexo B, fibers, sodium, potassium, calcium, match, enxofre, magnesium, silício e ferro. É adstringente, auxilia na redução de inflamações e melhora o sistema nervoso.
Pêssego: Possui vitaminas C e E, fibers, ácidos graxos, potassium, cálcio e betacaroteno. It antioxidant, diurético e digestivo. Estimula a produção de colágeno, devolve a elasticidade e combate o envelhecimento da pele.
Tangerina: Possui vitaminas A, C e do complexo B, assim como cálcio, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and iron. It antioxidant, adstringente, combate infecções e fortalece o organismo.
As frutas, consumidas em qualquer estação, possibilitam o bom funcionamento do organismo e podem trazer diversos benefícios conforme as suas propriedades.
Take care of your body!
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