The coldest season of the year requires some special care to maintain skin health days. The weather often leave the skin more dry, and only hydration is not enough to improve its appearance.
Check out some essential habits to adopt this winter and take care of your body:
Use sunscreen
Even in winter, the sun continues to be harmful to the skin, and the use of sunscreen is essential. The correct is to use every day, even on cloudy.
The daily application of sunscreen prevents premature aging, sagging and the appearance of skin blemishes, in addition to the injuries that can be caused by the sun and by UV rays.
Although exposure to the sun is less this time, procedures such as laser or peeling is frequently, leaving the most sensitive face and subjected to stains.
The skin always needs careful about sun protection and hydration, and it is recommended to use the protection factor SPF 30, beyond its reapplication every four hours in the areas of greater contact with the sun, as sweat, pollution and artificial light can reduce the product action time.
Tone the skin
After cleaning and exfoliating the skin pores are open and exposed to new deposits of dirt and bacteria. The tonic removes all impurities and prepares the skin for moisturizing. Apply a moisturizer immediately after to enhance the protection against external damage.
Establish a routine skin care the face and keep her always radiant.
Take Shorter Showers and warmer
Very hot water dries out the skin and removes natural oil.. Even though the temperature is more pleasant, Avoid hot baths.
The hair also suffer from dryness, however, go too long without washing them can increase the oiliness of the wires. Even in winter keep a washing frequency.
Take care of your hands
The hands also suffer from low temperatures, as they are rougher, dehydrated and may have cracks. Direct contact with chemicals, as soap and detergent, worsening skin dryness, It is ideal to use gloves whenever it is necessary to expose your hands to these substances.
Avoid washing your hands often and without hot water, not to remove the natural protective barrier of the skin. Prefer to use cold water and mild liquid soap with moisturizing components.
It is important to moisturize your hands several times a day with a special cream, that helps replenish the nutrients needed to keep them soft and healthy. Apply sunscreen is also essential to avoid spots on the skin and its aging.
Cold is one of the main factors that cause dryness and skin peeling lips. If the region is already dry, avoid passing his tongue over his lips to moisten them. Contact with saliva can dehydrate them further due to its acidic pH.
Also remember to never tear the skin of the lips, as this may interfere with the healing process and cause sores and bleeding, and even infections.
It is important to moisturize and always protect this area with specific products, many times a day. The application of protective or lip moisturizer prevents dryness, It provides faster recovery of damages and lessens the bad appearance of the lips.
Take care of yourself this winter with Ramelk products and always keep your skin beautiful and healthy.
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